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Kettlebells: all round fitness tool or 70s throwback?
Kettlebells are those pieces of gym equipment that you either love with a passion or steer well clear of. Well, I have become a convert...
Get a six pack like Ronaldo!
When Cristiano Ronaldo stripped off his shirt at the end of Euro 2016 and showed the world his six pack, men and women across the world...
Yoga - is it for you?
When you go to the gym there are two ways of approaching your work-out: you can throw yourself into the activity, pump out the...
Showing your shoulders some love
Crucial for lifting, carrying, even cleaning our teeth and dressing – the shoulder and upper back are important but often neglected parts...
Running to fitness
We talk a lot about all the different training methods and new ideas as they come into the mainstream, but there is one exercise activity...
Eating right for a better workout
For people who work out, a good diet is essential for both performance and recovery. Ensuring you eat the right amount and the right...
Keeping active to speed up repair
The sore, stiff muscles that come as a result of a hard training session, or after a sustained period of training for a specific event...
Pushing the limits
Sometimes you just want to go to the gym and work yourself until you drop. You know the feeling. It might have been a hard day at work,...
A sleek, lean you
What are you looking for from your work-out. For some people, it is rippling muscles and a rock hard six pack; for others it is all about...
Online fitness – does it work?
There are many reasons why people use online fitness plans. They might be stretched for time and the 20 minutes it takes to get to the...
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